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Smart Public Lighting

Public Safety Infrastructure Fund

With the Victorian government currently investing in the development of public safety and security infrastructure, now is the perfect time to light up your public places after dark so they are safer and more accessible for longer periods of the day. 

With grants of up to $250,000 per application available, this is a great opportunity to light up popular walking pathways, poorly lit carparks and recreation reservers so they can be used for longer periods of the day and are safer for the community. 

With over 15 years experience designing and manufacturing SMART Public Lighting solutions in Australia, let us partner with you so we can light up your community and future-proof you most valuable assets.

To find out more about the Public Safety Infrastructure Fund​ and how we can help you create a safer environment for your community, please send us your details so we can have a look at your project in more detail.

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City of Wodonga Smart Public Lighting Testimonial

Learn how the City of Wodonga used the Crime Prevention Community Infrastructure Fund to install 54 solar lights along their path networks. 

Turning Night Into Day Creating a Safer Environment

Why SMART Public Lighting?

  1. Modern design that provides a safer and more inviting environment for the community
  2. Sustainable lighting that extends access hours to sporting infrastructure and connected assets like car parks
  3. Motion sensors triggering automatic lighting control, together with advanced battery technology, guarantees long system life span
  4. You own the lights and the power – no ongoing power costs

What is SMART Public Lighting?


Environmentally friendly solutions that require no power from the grid


Aesthetically pleasing innovative and technical functionality


Can be installed
where power is
not available


Dependable performance through electricity blackouts & brownouts


Advanced innovation that intelligently reacts to it’s surrounding environment

Tell us how we can light up your next project

Leadsun Global