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Wollondilly River Walking Track

Location: Goulburn Mulwaree Council (GMC) – Wollondilly River Walking Track

Client: Goulburn Mulwaree Council (GMC), Australia

Product Used: 80W AE3C Outdoor Solar Street Lights

outdoor solar street lights project


In 2018, the GMC was awarded a $500,000 Federal Sport and Recreation Grant for the embellishment of their Wollondilly River Walking Track. The majority of the funding is for the provision of solar-powered lighting to illuminate 4.0 kilometers of this shared pathway. This had been a result of community consultation wanting to engage in more healthy activity, particularly at night. The 2.0-meter wide concrete path starts at Marsdents weir and meanders its way along the picturesque Wollondilly River through a series of pedestrian bridges ending at the Kenmore Bridge (including a recently constructed 200m long Steel Span Bridge).

outdoor solar street lights Australia


There’s a 4000-meter section of the path that had a very dense tree canopy. And the outdoor solar street lights need to have wireless control option allowing remote monitoring.

outdoor solar street lights series

Our Solution:

Over this distance, there are 116x outdoor solar street lights AE3C series systems installed. And each solar street light is equipped with PIR (motion detection) and also equipped with Leadsun edge wireless communications for remote monitoring.

outdoor solar street lights for shared pathway


“Council’s use of sustainable energy options reflects community expectations,” Mr. Taylor said.

“There is an increasing awareness that we can all do our bit to reduce carbon emission across a broad range of smaller-scale projects and in our individual lives.

“Along with many Goulburn residents, I enjoy running this track early in the morning or later in the afternoon. The lights will be a great addition to the course, particularly in winter.”

-Local Federal Member, Angus Taylor (Minister for Energy)